
Our team of experts combine quantitative, qualitative, and analytical expertise to unearth impactful truths that create actionable takeaways for brands.

Creative Impact Starts with Deep Cultural Knowledge

Our network of experts unearth fundamental truths about the world around us – the human condition, cultural trends and business trends – that ultimately help us crystallize the authentic, meaningful role each brand can earn in people’s lives.

Through the MW Truth Engine, a dynamic, centralized database of 25m+ data points, POVs, in-depth studies and expert opinions, our strategists are able to access industry-leading information and analysis that spur creativity and generate impact for our clients.


MW Truth Central’s studies cover a range of topics from age to privacy to wellness. With 25 million unique data points and over 250,000 qualitative interviews, they offer a truly global, deeply local, inherently human view on our world today.

We can help translate our insights into impact and drive bottom line results. Contact us to find out how we can help your brand earn a meaningful role in people’s lives.